The only thing standing in the way of a person with ill intent and the maximum destruction that they can cause is the insufficient amount of knowledge their brain can hold.
Theoretically it is possible for a person to develop a piece of software that goes through the internet and takes control of an important computer tasked with the management of some forbidden destructive force. That computer could be anything from a nuclear submarine to ICBMs, etc.
In practice though, a person has to know a lot to to do that. It takes beyond a PhD level knowledge of each of the internet, networks, code, computer architectures, submarines, and cryptography etc.
For an AI however, it is a matter of minutes to read all the literature available on each of those topics. And with the processing power of billions of connected computers no computer is impenetrable, no destruction is impossible.
At this point “I feel like I’m falling forward into an unknown future that holds great danger.”